Winterville Civitan

Building Volunteer Leaders In Clubs Around The World

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Winterville Civitan Club Service Projects

  • Built wheelchair ramps.

  • Helped fund the construction of Chandler Park.

  • Replaced two of the City's flag poles.

  • Helped fund an Eagle Scout firepit and amphitheater seating project at Pittard Park.

  • Repaired the City's fountain.
  • Donated playground equipment at Pittard Park for handicapped children.
  • Registered for a one-mile stretch of North Main Street for roadside cleanup 

... and much more!

If you are interested in becoming involved in our service projects or know of someone in need, please contact our club president, Lee Sanders at


Camp Big Heart

On an international level, Civitan is devoted to improving the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities.  This focus began in the 1950s when Civitan funded some of the first special education training for school teachers.  That commitment continues today through local and international efforts such as summer camps, vocational programs, special Olympic games and cutting-edge research, therapies and clinical services at the Civitan International Research Center.  Learn more about the CIRC

Locally, the Winterville Civitan Club donates funds toward the research at the UAB Civitan International Research Center and also supports Camp Big Heart each year.  Georgia Civitan Clubs sponsored 37 campers this year. 

Camp Big Heart, in existence since 1984, is a boarding summer camp offering a broad range of recreation activities designed specifically for children and adults who are mildly to moderately mentally challenged and who are ambulatory.  Camp Big Heart not only benefits the camper, but the whole family.  The camp is located at the Will-A-Way camping facility within Ft. Yargo State park in Winder, Georgia.  For more details, visit their site at: Camp Big Heart


Supporting Sponsor of Winterville Boy Scout Troop #44

In 2008 the Winterville Civitan Club became the official supporting sponsor of Boy Scout Troop #44. We have sponsored  them with funds, replaced their roof, painted Scout Hut along with other repairs.  Funds were provided for camping equipment. 


Howard Parrish Memorial Scholarship Award.  This scholarship is awarded in April by the Winterville Civitan Club.   See winners

$2,000 Shropshire Scholarship Award - Applications due by January 31st. 

Dr. Courtney W. Shropshire was the founder and the first President of Civitan International.  Following his death in 1965, the Civitan International Foundation established the Dr. Courtney W. Shropshire Scholarship Program in his honor.  Contributions to the Fellows Programs enhance the scholarship fund and allow additional scholarships to be awarded annually.  All contributions received are invested in sound securities and only the earnings are used for scholarships.

Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies.  The $2,000 award is to be used only for tuition, room, books, laboratory fees and academic supplies.  Scholarships will be paid directly to the institution of the recipient's choice and must be used within one year.


Main Street Litter Clean-up Project

The Civitan Club takes pride in its city by hosting a litter clean up four times a year along a one-mile stretch of North Main Street.  One does not need to be a member of the club to participate in this effort.  It only takes one hour from 8 a.m. until 9 a.m. leaving you plenty of time on a Saturday morning to get other jobs done around the house or yard.  It is recommended to bring a pair of gloves, but safety vests and pickers will be provided.  Plan to join us at our next clean up...the result is we get a clean city and we raise awareness of the litter problem.